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1. Lucid is designed to genuinely create submissive training dreams for those who listen with headphones while they sleep.  It's also a fun hypnotic suggestion i you are awake, to blur the line between sleeping and waking.

I am conceptually very proud of it, and I hope it lives up to its promise.

2. There will be five versions released:

Male dominant, female submissive (above)

Male dominant, male submissive (included as an attachment - let me know if this doesn't work)

Female cosubmissive (forthcoming tomorrow or Tuesday)

Female dominant (US version)  (forthcoming tomorrow or Tuesday) 

Female dominant (UK version)  (forthcoming tomorrow or Tuesday) 

3. Cast for this maledom version: 

Neural Nets as male dominant, submissive whispers by Bliss, Kawaii Bunny, Korrupted Innocence, Strawberry Pet 

4. This lucid dreaming induction employs: MILD (Mnemonic Induction of Lucid Dreams), VILD (visually incubated lucid dreams), Reality testing with an assigned image, several nested reality testing techniques, false awakening sequence

5. Potentially sensitive themes include sexual servitude and time dilated obedience training.  There is light bondage described and visualized within the dreams.  This file does not invoke any themes of IQ reduction.

6. Several anxiety provoking common dreams (falling, test anxiety) are rewritten in submissive terms. If you struggle with nightmares along these lines, consider a listen while awake or a script request before diving in. The false awakening sequence weaves awakening into another dream, and uses a common iphone alarm sound. Keep this in mind, lest you have difficulty waking to an alarm.

7. Sleeping to a dominant’s voice can be a powerful training technique. If you’re interested in these techniques but need a specific voice, PLEASE contact me for a remix; I am *delighted* to provide scripts and remix for subscribing partners.

More remixes out tomorrow! 

I am genuinely eager to hear results – please email me at bimbovirus@gmail.com



Oss Ickle

You haven't received enough praise for this recording. It's really amazing. Extremely ambitious, intelligent, creative, well thought out. Sincere kudos to you, this isn't a trivial accomplishment.

Oss Ickle

I sure do vote for/hope for more recordings this careful, patient, unrelenting, etc.

Bambi For Life

Did I miss the FDFS or FCoSub version of this? I can't seem to find them.

Bambi For Life

Found the FDFS version a few posts up... These files must be working or something...


Hm, I'm looking under the 2019 tag & also searching Lucid and cannot find the fdfs version ☹️ @neuralnets any chance it's not tagged or labelled correctly?