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Session is the third in the Smoked Stupid series, which includes Smoked Stupid and Sky.

All voices are female. There is an implied male dominant. Sexual activity described includes all genders.

The actresses are Persephone, Sparkles the magical girl, Cherry Queen, and Bliss.

The track takes the concept of marijuana as mind control, and moves that concept toward a kinky conclusion.

Four women smoke together in an extended session, while trying to recall how long they’ve been smoking, how they got there, where their clothes went, and why smoking and masturbation appeal so much more than thinking.


Obviously, the core subject matter itself merits a warning. There’s no actual “mindwiping” weed in this sense, but people can certainly manifest self-destructive and addictive behavior. Practice self-control and moderation with any potentially addictive activity.

The practices described in this production are only a fantasy.  There’s a strong implication that the women have been plied with intoxicants. In real life, such a practice would be reprehensible and illegal.

There is no awakener. Set an alarm, particularly if you are prone to repeated listening. The end of the track encourages looping by implication – and the end connects to the beginning ,Finnegan’s Wake style.

There are subliminals throughout. The only subliminals repeat mindworms from the track itself – no negative hidden messages. Scripts available on request.

If you are prone to earworms through simple repetition or rhyming, proceed cautiously. They abound in this track. Several people have reported that the combination of earworms and encouraged masturbation or sex while listening create a powerful “conditioning” effect, independent of hypnosis.

The induction itself is not clearly marked. It’s entirely conversational, or Ericksonian, and it’s pretty sneaky as a result.

Bass binaurals are employed in the background music. They are oriented toward the frequencies that induce hands free orgasms. I did not experience an HFO with this track, but I was close at one point.



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