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Noise is a mind control kink audio production that explores language and its dissolution in submissive minds.

This version is different in two  respects.  

First, it plays explicitly with female subordination as a kink. The line "brains are for boys" is both subliminal and overt.  Several instances of previously gender neutral humiliation are made explicit. 

Secondly, the audio edit is substantially cleaner.

The controlling voice is Neural Nets, a male voice. The three female parts – Tits, Mouth, and Cunt - are played by Bliss, Korrupted, and Little Jet Girl.

The track instructs three submissives, as well as any identifying listeners, on the limits of their speech. Submissives are encouraged to no longer think of their words as meaningful, but instead as entertaining noise. The dominant describes different uses for a submissive’s voice, while degrading and belitting any connection between that voice and actual communication of ideas.

The dominant’s discussion of his words contains a lightly disguised induction through visualization.

The core mantra comes from the blog “Your Natural State”,” which I believe was lost in the purge. Use of the mantra does not constitute an endorsement of the source.

The sections read aloud are from Luce Irigaray, which I believe marks her erotica debut.


Face slapping as a pattern interrupt, and with disciplinary intent.

Intellectual reduction and intellectual humiliation. Verbal beratement and belittlement.

Repeat use of mindworms, or identifiable hooks used to encourage repetition.

Encouraged masturbation while listening, which can have conditioning effects.

Simulated oral and penetrative sex.

The induction is not clearly delineated as such. There is no awakener. Instead, the track closes with exhortations to continue listening. If you are potentially prone to “looping” – or repeated listening – I would recommend that you set an alarm.

Given the intense and dark themes, as well as the directly subordinating nature of the narrative, listeners should steer clear if they are prone to extreme suggestibility, difficulty distinguishing fantasy from actual play, or tendencies toward addictive behavior. Multiple reports indicate that this audio may cause recurrent thoughts of subordination, often very intensely. 



Dolly Dixxxon

Forgot how much I LOVED this one


Yeah, I'm a fan of the bassy tempo in the background. Good job!