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Microaggressions (full)

The Psychology In Seattle Podcast. Dr. Kirk Honda and Rebecca Bloom talk about microaggressions. Music by Bread Knife Incident. Jan 22, 2016. Please become a patron of our podcast on our Patreon page! Click here to become a patron: https://www.patreon.com/PsychologyInSeattle



1.'In cultural anthropology, a shame society, also called shame culture or honour-shame culture, is a society in which the primary device for gaining control over children and maintaining social order is the inculcation of shame and the complementary threat of ostracism. A shame society is contrasted with a guilt society, in which control is maintained by creating and continually reinforcing the feeling of guilt (and the expectation of punishment now or in the afterlife) for certain condemned behaviors, and with a fear society, in which control is kept by the fear of retribution.I'm not sure where they are getting 'dignity'' culture from. 2. I accept that culture is moving towards more equality in terms of cultural/ethnic/gender issues but it is not moving that way in terms of socio-economics 3. I struggled a little with the co-hosts references to 'education' 'can't people do some thinking' and so on, gave me a bit of a jolt. To be sure, there are ignorances that need to be resolved, but I think people need to own whatever change they make.I don't think passive aggression and inferences that they are 'too lazy' to not be more empathetic is going to work. In some ways, in fact, it oddly mirrors the conservative attitude towards work, and blaming individuals for being too lazy to improve themselves materially rather than morally.


Whenever people used to ask me where I am from. I just straight up and tell them my ethnicity to avoid the follow up questions of "Where are you REALLY from, where are you REALLY REALLY from, No, before that, No before -before that." It used to offend me "less" since I was not born it here. Now it really bothers me so I basically have a script for the next person who asks me that. I also get asks if I'n an international student a lot, which is really annoying. Before I begin studying sociology at a university as an older student. I usually just give the answer that people want. Now, I try to educate people if I have the energy.