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Regarding Making a Murderer (full)

The Psychology In Seattle Podcast. Dr. Kirk Honda talks about Making a Murderer. Music by Bread Knife Incident. Jan 19, 2016. Please become a patron of our podcast on our Patreon page! Click here to become a patron: https://www.patreon.com/PsychologyInSeattle



A maddening & frustrating series that was also riveting.


This series haunted me for months after watching. I even lost sleep thinking about all the innocent people I don't know about that have been abused by the government and police. I still cannot re-watch it when I think about all the time he has spent in prison and that a very vulnerable 16 year old was manipulated and left defenseless by experienced law professionals. As well as Avery's poor parents who look so exhausted and heartbroken. Fantastic work done by Avery's defense lawyers who put up a hard case. Very sorry to hear about your traumatic experiences. I realize this response is super late!