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Our first Patron-exclusive content episode!  Only Patrons have access to this YouTube file.

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Psychodynamic Self Analysis

The Psychology In Seattle Podcast. PATRON EXCLUSIVE EPISODE: Dr. Kirk Honda analyses himself. Music by Bread Knife Incident. Oct 1, 2015.



So interesting! I once worked with patients who had addictions, alcoholism, drugs, etc. At third at that time there seem to be a consensus that children of alcoholics had birth -order reactions to the alcoholic parent. Is that true? If it is I would appreciate hearing what you have to say about the subject.


I was here to watch this but it doesn’t work. Plus this app makes it annoying to find. After finding the episode it unavailable. Very frustrating


Hi! Sorry for the frustration. There is a newer post of this episode https://www.patreon.com/posts/53455039 Also it is easier to listen to older episodes on a phone podcast app. You should have received an email with instructions for the ways to listen. Please email if your are having trouble www.psychologyinseattle.com/contact