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Listener Andrew is going mad trying to figure out the riddle of the new intro jingle. I LOVE his guesses: 

Ok, it's driving me a bit mad, I can't see anything else it can be but Morse. The chords/notes when written down are C GGG EE A E, which is nothing that I can make sense of..... So if it IS morse, then there are several ways to interpret it, given that there are not the traditional spaces of morse. So, as I previously guessed, it could be BEAT, you could get a TUN out of it, which I thought was going to become TUNE, but didn't....😆 So finally I just split it into two four tone segments, which gives XY, which could be relevant to your several podcasts on gender politics, etc. If I'm wrong, please just tell me whether it's morse or not, so I can get some sleep tonight....😭


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