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Are furries sexual deviants? What's up with them? 

The Psychology In Seattle Podcast. 

May 17, 2019.

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Music by Bread Knife Incident.  




Ref dressing as a gorilla.


I think a lot of the "furries are deviants" comes from it being an obscure subculture and people passing around the most salacious (and thus interesting) bits of it- rather like the D&D panics where EVERYONE who played role playing games were clearly satanist murderers because a few hobbyists were. It's much easier to pass around people doing weird stuff than people not doing weird stuff, not least because the not-weird-stuff doers tend not to be very obvious. I think also furries don't have a stronger tendency toward perversion than the overall community, but the community seems very sex-positive and not inclined to shame anyone for weirdness, so people probably feel more comfortable in letting their freak flag fly.