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Dr. Kirk Honda and Humberto talk about incels (involuntary celibates). 

The Psychology In Seattle Podcast. 

Oct 29, 2018.

Email: Contact@PsychologyInSeattle.com

List of all episodes: https://psychologyinseattle.squarespace.com/list-of-episodes

Become a patron of our podcast by going to https://www.patreon.com/PsychologyInSeattle

Music by Bread Knife Incident.  



Hello, I'm rather new to Patreon and this podcast specifically. Is there a way to search for specific episodes within Patreon (there is one that is referenced a lot in this episode that I would very much like to find, it's regarding the Isla Vista incel)?


I'm not sure about Patreon. They keep improving their site, so it's possible. But the best way is to go to our website and look at the list of eps.


I tend to think mental health is brought up in regards to mass shootings in an extremely disingenuous manner. What I mean is, people, particularly those with conservative politics, who normally couldn't care less about mental illness and may not even give serious credence to psychology in any other circumstances, suddenly become very interested in finding it in people who perpetuate mass shootings. The explanation is simple and plain as day, it has to be about literally anything else that isn't guns. I'm overcome with a deep sense of contempt watching some right wing pundit acting pretending to give a damn about mental health for about 15 minutes after one of these killing sprees. At worst, offering up preventing the mentally ill from owning firearms as a solution only serves to scapegoat an already marginalized subset of the population and further discourages people who need help to seek it out. Not only that, many spree killers had no significant history of involvement with some kind of diagnosed mental illness with some notable exceptions (Adam Lanza comes to mind, but his mom bought him the guns anyways). I don't know, the dishonesty of it makes me grind my teeth. Anyhow, after getting on my soapbox. This was a good and interesting episode. I really found the attempts to connect suicidal behavior and a desire for revenge interesting.