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RERUN: Kirk interviews Lisa Erickson on how clinicians misdiagnose gifted children and adults.

The Psychology In Seattle Podcast.

Dec 4, 2013.

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Music by Bread Knife Incident.  



Thank you for this, it is very hard to try to figure out how to deal with being gifted, and like discussed in this episode, it's weirdly stigmatized and not only do kids not have anyone to help them figure out how to deal with this, there's very few resources, that I'm aware of, anyway, for adults either. Are there any books anyone might recommend on this topic?


Thank you so much for this, it's like you've laid out my life in a nutshell here. A childhood designation of "giftedness," without any counseling on what this actually means and how it could have caused me difficulties in life has really set me up for failure, and I can't even talk about it. It doesn't feel like a gift to me. I'm really just good at taking tests, and this does not serve me as an adult - all I seem to have left is this hypersensitivity to everything around me, a constant neurological overload. And I STILL feel narcissistic for accepting that I fall under the gifted label. Thank you for discussing and breaking down the stigma around being "gifted." I want everyone in my life to listen to this. I struggle with treatment resistant major depression and generalized anxiety disorder, and often wonder what kind of treatment approach out there could help me, as nothing really ever has. I've also always wondered if I am on the autism spectrum. Are we suggesting here that giftedness is inherently separate from diagnoses such as ASD, or major depression? If giftedness is a neurodivergence in itself, then what would then be the implications for treatment for these problems in a "gifted" individual?