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Dr. Kirk Honda and Humberto review Avengers Infinity War. 

The Psychology In Seattle Podcast. 

May 23, 2018.

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Music by Bread Knife Incident.  



I totally second the "pushy salespeople" gripe - I gave up shopping at my local Lush store because of this. There's always some over-enthusiastic girl who drags me around and puts sliced soaps right under my nose (I'm anosmic, so I just pretend to smell them) or makes me watch a demonstration of how bath bombs are used (I have no bathtub, so I won't buy them anyway. Also duh, you plop them into water and they fizz.) There was once one girl who put a product _into my basket_, then grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the register. I feel bad at asking them to leave me alone, because I know they're being watched by a supervisor or somesuch, and they'll get grief if they fail to make me try stuff and watch demos, but still - I am really introverted and I feel awkward, plus I don't really want to fake interest for 10 minutes about products I have no intention of buying. It got so bad I now get the 4-5 products I really like by mail order.


I might cry Humberto. I loved Age of Ultron, and don't care for Winter Soldier- nor do I care for Captain America. He's too perfect and stuck up our country's ass.