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Dr. Kirk Honda talks with Humberto about gang stalking, targeted individuals, and Kirk's gaffes. 

The Psychology In Seattle Podcast. 

May 2, 2018.

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Music by Bread Knife Incident.



It's unfortunate that some people who suffer from delusional disorders have these paranoid ideas. However what's more unfortunate is that sometimes, their paranoid delusions describe actual events that do happen, to others who do not suffer from a delusional disorder. What better of a crime for an antisocial person to do, that hides any "evidence" behind psychiatric illness! Further on the topic of misfortune, the arguments used against supposed "targeted people" are often simple Appeals To Incredulity which foster Ad Hominin arguments against them. The fact of the matter (in "gangstalking") is that there are anti-social people who do enjoy voyeurism and stalking. When they do it as a group of share info about a person in their community that they have gained illegally and that information is spread through gossip, it basically creates "gangstalking". Here's an example; let's say some troll/bully puts a backdoor (hack) on your phone or laptop. And after the course of a week or so they learn (from your browsing history) that you like say ~ pee porn. The bully/troll would then start telling people in the community (coffee shop clerks... co-workers) "I heard through the "grapevine" that X (the target) likes pee porn". ...and so then the community would then ridicule the "target" of the hack, with the really embarrassing information. Basically accomplishing the antisocial personals work, for them. #turnkeybullying Which in turn provides a situation where strangers to the target know personal info about then, gained nefariously. So it spreads as gossip, likely negatively socially affecting the person. In this example, there is only one person directly involved, but through manipulation, the illusion is created that, there is an entire community "in the know" and thus participating in and perpetuating the stalking. It is KNOT "the government" nor is any money involved... or aliens, or any bullshit like that. It's jackasses who want to gossip and garner attention and reactions from others at the cost of the "targeted individual". However, I also get the notion that some of these "perps" may feel almost as if they are "policing" their community and or beliefs. Perhaps even beliefs of making social/human sacrifices. And we all know who "believes" in those sorts of ideas, if not only "antisocial people". Stalking, mobbing, doxing, gaslighting, blacklisting, eavesdropping, even witchhunts ...etc are all recognized crimes. When these things happen in a community, they constitute gangstalking. If your interested in learning more on my perspective please read my website that advocates AGAINST the use of emotional violence and any other type of violence. Violence is the CRUX of these problems, NOT the solution! As a forewarning, VICE has the same opinion as PiS though I can assure you the overwhelming (delusional) information (on the net) has lead many people down a road of misunderstanding, what gangstalking is and looks like: <a href="http://antisocial.suspectsociety.org/factoids" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://antisocial.suspectsociety.org/factoids</a> I do NOT affiliate with any other sources related, strictly because most all websites about gangstalking or being targeted are basically misinformation/delusion. This video of the police officer recognizing gangstalking should quash your doubts. <a href="https://youtu.be/MUGozZDfLSg?t=1m18s" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/MUGozZDfLSg?t=1m18s</a> In consideration that, you're both psychiatric clinicians I can totally understand your confusion! Lastly, if your wish to have a chat about this on (ex: teamspeak) I'm always open to talk! No hard feelings!