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Streaming For Love | Episode 3 Alpha released to $10+ patrons!

Hey guys, how is it going?

We are pleased to inform you that Streaming For Love - Episode 3 is now available to Gold+ patrons on Windows, macOS and Android.

Due to profound changes in the game engine, we kindly ask for your patience with this Alpha version in case anything goes wrong. And, of course, let us know so we can investigate and fix any bugs as quickly as possible.

Streaming For Love

In the first two episodes, we witnessed our MC's life start to change. From a laid-back, predictable guy, he found new thrills in unexpected places: first, with one of his best friends.


Download Streaming For Love Alpha 3 (version 0.3.0)


Then, in an even more unlikely turn, he met a streamer and discovered something deeper and more intriguing than he ever imagined. However, a mix of poor communication and saying more than he should have seemingly put everything at risk…

As you know, a good story isn’t just about romance. All this drama can trigger much more than meets the eye, at least for now… Along the way, new adventures will begin to appear, and gradually, other stories will become part of our MC's life. Stay tuned!

What's New

As we mentioned before, this project brings a huge number of changes to our engine. We've updated to the latest version of our development tools, which comes with numerous new features.

  • Enhanced relationship customization screen

  • New minigame system

  • EP1 sex scene was reworked and improved

  • New background option for the text box. Now you have three alternatives: "Light," "Minimalist," and "Full."

  • New video system, allowing for much more detailed animations

  • New graphics, using tools like Blender for the development of backgrounds, characters, and videos

Thank you for your support, and we hope you enjoy it!

With Love,
The Love-Joint Team.




Hi, Alph versions not available on Mac?


Will the alpha version be released for Android at some point?


Hi there. We wanted to release the three platforms today, but since we made many internal updates to the engine, we thought it would be safer to do a "soft launch" only with the Windows version. This way, we can quickly identify and fix any bugs that might be noticed. Soon, we will also bring the versions for macOS and Android.


Hi there. We wanted to release the three platforms today, but since we made many internal updates to the engine, we thought it would be safer to do a "soft launch" only with the Windows version. This way, we can quickly identify and fix any bugs that might be noticed. Soon, we will also bring the versions for macOS and Android.


Downloading it now!

David Brenton

Good to see the return of story choices! I was getting worried that the game was going to be way more linear that SHS


how many scenes are there so far? I used the cheat code to unlock the gallery but the only playable scene is Mia from ep1.


Anyone else unable to open? I get the Zip and extract, but no game there.


This sounds like your anti-virus messing around with the game's files. Whitelist the game directory or, better yet, install it through Itch App: https://itch.io/app

Michael Arias

Besides Gallery bug the only other bug i found is the game is not recognizing the name change for Lily if you changed her name.


Just to let you know Itch didn't work either. I deleted everything, downloaded from your Windows page, and it works fine. Thanks for getting back with me.


God, I wish I could tell Theodore to just STFU sometimes. I mean seriously, how does that guy still have a job? He just doesn't seem like a bro. I'm a nice dude, but I don't think I'd have the patience fir a guy like that. He tries to be funny but it just comes off as a cringefest by the guy who has probably never had any kind of intimate contact with a girl. He makes Linus look like a smoother operator like Dante! lol


Anybody know the cheat code for this game?


Can't play it at all, everytime I get to bubbles stream it completely errors out and forces me to abort close.


Anyone else having issues with the gallery unlock? It shows me the message that it worked but when I go to gallery it doesn’t show anything


I'm noticing quite a lot of bugs with music, very often the music will stutter and you need to rewind to the point the track started playing to stop the issue. Great release aside from that can't wait for the next

john timpe

i just paid 10$ for 0.5.1 version of shalehill. i recieved an email conferming the payment but no link to download it. whats up with that. did i actualy pay for an updated version of the game or was it something else. i like the game though not my favorit. if it wasn't for the game thats fine keep the 10 i'll call it a gift.

Rohan Graetz

Just got around to playing this last night. No graphics issues, the museum mini game was super fun