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Hey Everyone, how’s It Going?

Just dropping by to give you an update on our projects. Let’s start with Streaming for Love. Episode 03 is well into production, and there’s a lot of exciting stuff coming your way. Of course, we couldn’t leave out a bit of mystery in true Love-Joint style, so, let’s see how the story starts to really unfold…

This release will have some cool new features. You’ll get to experience a deeper minigame that continues a very special scene, if you know what I mean. In this scene, videos developed using Blender will bring more realistic and beautiful effects to the animations - including animated parts that will make everything stickier... I mean, better done! Well, you’ll see for yourself soon!

Shale Hill Secrets

Shale Hill Secrets has reached its conclusion. Well, sort of. We still need to tell a bit more about the ending you choose in the last chapter. What will unfold in the life of the MC after all the drama experienced in Shale Hill over the past few years?

That’s why we’re bringing you two epilogues. In them, we’ll explore the future of our beloved protagonist. And, of course, everything will depend on who you chose to share the next chapters of your life with. 

Oh, and besides the epilogues, we have another cool project related to Shale Hill Secrets coming your way… Keep an eye out for more updates and teasers. We can’t wait to share these exciting stories with you!

Stay foxy,
The Love-Joint Team.




Very good news I thought last chapter was the end!