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“Like You” is the working title for the short story.
It WAS originally going to be something like “Love, You”/“Love, Yourself” - (Kay, you guessed it LOL ) - but that felt... too on the nose, and while this IS a short story about Chris making a friend and learning to value themself, it’s also important to me that I show WHY Red sticks around to help them: Because they‘re  like him. And no, not just in the “glowy hair”/temperamental kind of way lol But because they both struggle with self worth and devaluing themselves based on past relationships that didn’t end well. Hell, they even both have the blonde ex LMAO

anyway. Im sure this isn’t going to be winning any prizes. Even with it all written out, I’m becoming more and more aware to the fact that Red doesn’t get as much as a minor character set up like Chris does because I haven’t figured out a compact enough way to introduce Shifter lore + his backstory with Talyn in the middle of this 5 episode snippet sooooo.. all I can do is tell the story I have and hope it gets some where. And worst case scenario, if it doesn’t win any of the prizes, at least it’s canon to Lucky! So I can just use it as a backstory filler arc whenever I need to go on another buffer hiatus to get more Lucky! episodes finished 

anyway! The blue v red themes are deliberate, and not just for color contrast. I love red, it’s my favorite color, but I’ve been told I don’t have a red personality. People say I‘m more blue?? But I don’t like blue chdkfnf there’s a fun scene about that in the upcoming episodes, enjoy!

also y’all don’t make fun of Me for recycling a panel for this cover image - I don’t have a whole lot of time to come up with something brand spanking new, and besides... I have this semi-weird thing about checking out a Webtoon based on the cover icon, and the art style being a totally different quality from the promo image, so lately anytime I promote Lucky! stuff, I’ve been trying to stick to things that are my regular comic style, not something that’s hyper rendered or dramatically lit, you know? I want people to know what they’re getting 

I gotta go. Storms rolling in and I need to be productive before the shakes set in 💀



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