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Hello folks! Today, I want to write about the urge to finish. I don't know if it's the nesting hormones, but lately I have had so many unfinished projects work their way into my psyche. I'm definitely a person who likes to think that they can do it all, so this past week I started chipping away at some of them. Why not? I thought! It's not like I'm growing a baby & actively renovating a house! What's a couple more tasks? :P

Remember back in 2021 when Fin & I were going to launch a small business? We put it on hold when planning our wedding became a part time job, but still kept all of our inventory of course. Then we moved across the country after our wedding, lived with our lives in storage for a year in VA & finally settled in VT in late summer 2023. Recently, I found all our inventory again in the basement & told Finley "We NEED to sell this before the baby comes. I simply cannot think about it anymore." So I've spent the past few days sorting through all of it. Honestly, I'm so sick of thinking & talking about it that I'll probably only mention this here then drop the link when you can actually purchase it.

Also, I made a new merch design with a friend in late summer 2023. It was RIGHT around when we were buying our house, so it wasn't high on my priority list to sell the design. Also, I don't really like my current merch company. When I lived in LA, I had a friend with a warehouse who stored, shipped & sold all my merch along with some touring musician friends. It was SO convenient & he was down to make any design I wanted because he owned the company. Now, I care more about sustainability than I did back then & it's grown very difficult to find a merch company with good practices. I'd love to actually find someone this year who could print & ship my designs. I MISS MERCH!

On a non-work related task note, I also started working on Finley & I's 2023 memory book. Last year, I worked on our 2022 book from like February to JUNE! It ended up being a huge book & took a lot of time, so this year I'm cutting down the photo count. They're so fun to have, but damn they're hard work to make! I decided it would be a good project to do while we wait for baby to arrive, though.

Anyway! This is just what the freak I've been up to! I'll be in my third trimester tomorrow & I can't freakin believe it! Much to do before our little stinker arrives, but these things seem kinda random & fun to focus on & don't require much physical movement from me (which is getting harder) lol. Comment below what you've been up to! I love you!


Nomi 💓

My daughter turns two in April, I have my best friends wedding in May, and my own wedding venue and plans just fell through so I’m starting from almost-scratch less than 7 months from our wedding day 🫣thank god for beta blockers honey because I think my blood pressure might off me without them 🤣 I am so happy I got time to come catch up and watch the secret vloggy because I needed a Meg chit chatty vlog so bad! Also, your picks on Lindsey’s recent video were sooooo cute & I feel like you need that blue and yellow cardigan for yourself

Meghan Hughes

omg i'm so sorry! when plans fall through it leads you to something better though <3 i really hope that resolves soon for you!! & omfg yes i NEED that cardigan hahaha i love it so much


Focusing on finals with no motivation. For the last year or two I’ve been plagued with migraines which is incredibly hard to focus on my studies. Luckily I get my degree in 3 months (thank god) and have a full year off before I go for a doctorate. I’m trying to start thinking about planning a grad party ( spent enough money on this degree not to have a day on my achievements)! My close friends are having a baby so I’ve been planning my crochet projects for their shower. Lastly focusing on not freaking out on my roommates, because I have until July before me and my honey get to live solo finally. If you have any tips for living ALONE with your partner let me know. Hoping a ring comes soon with that change (together for almost 6 years)!