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Hello folks! Sorry for the ~delay~ in posting on here! I've been a busy writing bee. Weeks ago, I wrote a post about wanting to write a... Book? Short stories? Essays? Not sure! But I'm about 20 pages down in whatever it is. I work on it most days, but have realized my absolute inability to focus on multiple tasks at once... Lol. I'm sure many of you can relate! But because I've been focusing on this much more, I'm like SEE YA to any other tasks-- Even the ones I wrote about in my last post that I DESPERATELY want to finish as well. Either way, I'm enjoying the process, but do want to learn to have a little variety when it comes to my work/focus.

This all being said, I also am just feeling MEH about vlogs lately! This morning when I woke up I was like "I should film a vlog" but then I was like "What the hell do I show other than what I've been showing already recently?" My whole life at the moment is still nesting, cleaning, organizing, downsizing, etc. & I already feel tired of that content which is probably a bad way to feel! I know I'll do more of it in the future when I feel more inspired, but in the meantime I'm just trying to think of what to share on YT since the bedroom reno video is being edited as we speak, but is certainly not ready yet-- She's long as hell!

Anyway! The other day, I got an idea that it would be fun to do a video for my Patreon called "Things I did I don't want my daughter to do" or something (working title) where I just share insane stories from my youth that I genuinely hope my daughter doesn't repeat hahaha. Would you guys enjoy that? It would be a throwback storytime vibe & could be fun. Especially since I've been thinking a LOT about parenting lately & lessons I'll impart on my kids are always on my mind. Anyway! Happy Thursday! We're taking a childbirth ed class tonight! Woohoo!



Oh I love that idea for a video! Also just in general traditions you hope to carry on as a lil family of your own could be fun to see (if that’s not too personal). 😊