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Well, I feel as though my mental health check ins over the past few weeks have been slightly vague, but also more informative than my vlogs at least as to how I'm feeling! I've been feeling pretty depressed lately (hence my sporadic posting & lack of presence in my last vlog) & only today have started to feel a bit more like myself. I figured if the depression is kind of loosening its grip I should at least talk about it. So, today I started to film a "Clean with me: Depression Edition" for YouTube lol. It sounds so dramatic, but I have been absolutely riddled with lack of motivation, lack of self care, inability to focus, needing to distract myself with TV, etc. for hell... 3 weeks now? Something absurd compared to my past experiences with more seasonal depression. It came on fast this year for sure. I know I can point to a handful of reasons why I'm feeling this way & spoke about a few of them in the intro of the video, but the bottom line is it totally sucks brothers! I feel like I have more of an idea now than ever on how crippling depression can be. Thank GOD this past Friday & Saturday I finally got out of the house to do something other than grocery shop, run errands, or go to appointments. I had such a great fall fun time with Finley, but Sunday rolled around & things went back downhill. It obviously is coming in waves, but I just wanted to share more about my experience here & say I love you guys & appreciate your patience with me during this time. Finley has been so understanding & helpful as well so I have to shout his ass out. I feel myself slowly coming back, but I know it takes time. If you're feeling this way too-- Just know I love you & I hope you have someone in your life to talk to about all this whether it's a therapist or loved one. Love, Meg



We love you so much Meg, you can get through it!! I love how honest you are because the truth is, it gets to us all at some point. But you can’t let it take control, remember that you are in charge of your own destiny and you can always change your own pattern. You are much stronger than depression can make it feel, so don’t lose home. You’re doing so well so don’t forget to remind yourself of that!!

Lily Jorgensen

i commented on le youtube vid as well but we are in sync once again!! im going through the worst mental health phase i think ever as of yet right now (and life phase in general i think) and just started an iop treatment. my anxiety is the main driver in my cocktail of issues but my depression has also been at its worst in tandem, so i feel u sister. im sorry you’re going through it too, it is so discouraging and frustrating. im glad you went to see family bc truly a change of scenery thats familiar is always an excellent way to trick our brains a little bit into resetting at least a tad. take care of yourself and give yourself grace. life flippin sucks rn!!!! love u lots my georgia sister <3