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These pics are a sneak peek into our bedroom renovation! They’re in chronological order, so the first pics were when we first moved in & so on. We ripped up the old grey fake wood floor, knocked out the old closet to open up the room, took off the wood boards on the south walls because we need to soundproof them as they’re shared with the kitchen, then we assessed the state of the base floor & realized we’d have to sand it all down, did that, stained them, put on not 1 but 4!!! polyurethane coats to seal it, went out of town for 2+ weeks hoping when we came home we wouldn’t have to wear respirators in the house anymore & were correct, but the polyurethane cured looking streaky & bad 🙁 Finley said “Every time I look at it I see failure” 😂 So we then bought a low VOC poly-whey top coat from Vermont Natural Coatings & it worked AMAZING! The floors are now streak free, odorless & stunning! Took them long enough! 🤦‍♀️ Multiple months honestly… So now we’re finally planning out where our bed & closet will go & making tape lines to mark those off. Also, this week Finley began rewiring the electrical because it’s totally fucked in that room like most of the wiring in this house 😂 But we’re making good progress! Next, we’ll insulate the exposed walls for sound proofing after finishing the wiring/lighting, seal them with drywall, build out our closet & move everything upstairs finally! Who the hell knows when we’ll be done but it’s been a fun project so far minus the floors cuz we hated that 😂 Just wanted to show a patron-only update! We’ve been filming the whole process for YT, Tiktok, IG, here probably… Lots of months of content & work you’ll see in depth eventually! Love ya! Happy halloweekend!



Emily Morin

the floors look beautiful!


It sounds like nexp project is baby's room