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Hello my patient patreon peeps <3 It's been a whirlwind of weeks since we last spoke & patreon has now gotten an update! She's cute she's cute! I wanted to thank you guys for the love & encouragement on my last writing post on here. I ended up having a call with my doctor while I was in CA with my family & he basically explained that while my glucose & insulin levels were high in my last labs, I wasn't fasting, so the results aren't really relevant enough to spiral over. I have an appointment in 5 days where I'll go back in & fast before. Other than that, he really wasn't worried about my other levels & said I can safely wait to see my endocrinologist in December, but not need to go on any medications now to lower my DHEA-S or testosterone which made me feel better hearing his reassurance.

Other than health stress, life has just been busy! We moved the pigs to Vermont a few days ago & they are adjusting quite well! I vlogged their journey & we are still filming updates each day, but I will most likely upload just the vlog of the move first & get that up this weekend. Then, we can film a separate video of their new setup here that Finley is currently working on. I think they'll love it!

I'm SO pleased to have fully moved all of our belongings & animals out of Virginia now. It just feels really final & official that we are Vermont residents! Having 40% of our stuff still there was kind of confusing because we never knew if what we were looking for was in the basement boxes or multiple states away LOL. No longer! I'm trying to decide now if it makes sense to decorate for fall this year or not? I think yes, but I have to clean the kitchen significantly to bring it to a place where it could even be decorated. Only time (& future vlogs) will tell! LOL! Love you guys <3 Hope you have been well & thank you for waiting for my return here patiently! I was stressed & had a lot to deal with, but am evening out now.


Lilly Hornbuckle

Yay! What a big relief to have all your things and the hogs 🥺🩷

Brianna M

Your family vlog was so fun! You and your sister remind me so much of me and my twin haha. I’m also still thinking about that zumba story 😂 I would love a cleaning vlog of the new house like the ones you used to make in Oregon 😊 Great to hear from you! 💚

Meghan Hughes

i will definitely have a cleaning vid up soon for you! it is SO unwell here it needs a deep clean like... everywhere! lol