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HELLO FOLKS! It's a new week & I've gotten my lab results from my doctor visit last week & need to vent. For those of you who don't know, in June I got my blood drawn for a full hormone panel to get more insight into my health. In those labs, they discovered I had really high DHEA-S at level 581 (the cutoff is 349 or something), so I was then referred to an endocrinologist who can't see me until DECEMBER! June-Dec is a long time brothers! So when we moved to VT, I got us a new PCP & he offered to draw my labs again just to see how things were progressing before that endo appointment later this year.

The doctor was wonderful & Finley & I both had a great time which is something one rarely says about the doctor... Lol. I'll have a new vlog up tomorrow where I talk more about it, but long story short he said yes to any lab I wanted him to check in on & I felt very listened to. Mainly I wanted him to assess my areas of concern for a possible PCOS diagnosis I have yet to get which are: testosterone, DHEA-S, glucose & insulin. Today, I got all those results back amongst some others, but ALL of those levels are high.

I'm quite honestly feeling a bit frustrated by this news & will most likely just talk about this here for now because it feels smaller & more safe. Sometimes when I talk about this stuff in vlogs people play doctor & try to diagnose me when I ALREADY HAVE A DOCTOR! Lol. But I'm feeling sad because I started taking expensive supplements to try to lower my testosterone & DHEA-S naturally & my testosterone literally raised while my DHEA-S only went down very slightly. Needless to say, I have stopped buying those.

More frustratingly so, BOTH of my VA doctors (my PCP & my gyno) did not inform me that my glucose levels have been high SINCE MARCH Y'ALL!!! I could've been focusing on trying to lower those levels all year, but am just now being told to worry about them as they are in the pre-diabetic range. I've been quite emotional since getting these results because that label is obviously jarring & I'm just feeling a bit BLAH about it all. I'm proud of myself for taking charge of my health, but also sad at the same time that things have changed so quickly over the course of the past year.

My doctor & I are going to have another visit to go over all the labs in depth together which I'm sure will make me feel better. He is very kind & I sent him a message kind of with this same sentiment of frustration earlier & he responded "Overall, I do NOT think you should be greatly concerned. There are many, many positives." Even after getting that message, I just can't help but spiral when I get results like this & had to vent to someone other than Finley. All this will sort itself out with a good treatment plan & possible meds. Have a good Monday y'all <3 Sending love


Lilly Hornbuckle

Missing your content, sending love for you and fin, yo leaky house, the doggos and your hormone health 💛 🌻 ❤️

Isabella Carrión

i am in a very similar situation. I have elevated DHEAS as well (in then 500s as well) along with some mild thyroid issues. Advocating for myself with doctors has been hard and I haven’t had very much luck finding doctors who understand and are willing to test where I am but I’m hoping to get on the waiting list to see an endocrinologist soon. I know the feeling also with trying to self treat. I’ve experimented with supplements and lifestyle changes to work on specifically my DHEAS and it’s been hit or miss so I’m in a very similar situation❤️❤️ it is something that causes me a lot of anxiety which is a positive feedback loop considering dheas are an adrenal hormone. Hearing you speak about this stuff is really comforting and I’m sending my positive vibes from here in arizona to you in Vermont ☀️your recent cleaning vlog also really resonated as I’ve been going through it with my mental health so thank you for everything you do and share ❤️I know u deal with a lot of people trying to play doctor but if u ever wanna talk adrenal supplements and lifestyle stuff I’m all ears bc I’m going through the same stuff :)