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Hello legends... So on the low, Finley & I put in another home offer today! Eeeek! I say "on the low" because I never want to tell too many people especially online for fear of it falling through, but we feel different about this one because there is almost no other competition. It's a very unique situation & we're just hoping it works in our favor! We're heading back up to the NE this weekend to go to Maine for a family wedding & our first wedding anniversary, so we'll be in the area again if we need to do any more touring, walk throughs, etc! WOOHOO! It seems like this one is going to work out for the best (fingers crossed) so I wanted to share because I'm EXCITED! It's been a great week so far & the weekend is going to be a fun adventure too! We both haven't been to Maine since we were 12 or 13 so it's going to be a treat! I'm vlogging for my main channel currently & hope to get a vlog up before we go, but we'll seeeeee lol lots to do before then. Just wanted to give you a life update! xo



omggg crossing all my fingers and toes it goes through!!!! so excited for you two 🥰


WOW!!! Sending so much love!!!