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As soon of y'all know, I've been trying to wake up earlier this year & every day that I wake up at 8 AM I truly think I'm gonna pass out into a much needed nap by 1 PM! It is tragic! I thought my body would be used to it by now, but I haven't been sticking to an 8 AM wake up EVERY day... Just some days... So maybe that's why? But for my writing post this week I wanted to ask you besties for some tips if you have any for keeping yourselves up throughout the day, going to bed earlier, & waking up earlier. Let my ass know!!! Love y'all & LOVED your input on last week's writing post as well.


Sandra Pagliani

Ok so I'm the queen of waking up early and I'm thriving doing that (but I'm also an early bird at heart). We're talking 6 am even on the weekends. Today I did 5:30 am...nuts, I know. But my energy levels are high throughout the day and I never ever nap. In fact I'm incapable of doing that even if I wanted to 😅 What I do is, I go to bed way early every night. I go to bed at 8 pm with a book, read until 9, do a guided meditation and fall asleep almost right away. Aaaand repeat. I eat dinner early too (at 6 pm) so that I don't go to bed full and it's usually a light meal that involves some carbs in the form of veggies (they help you sleep better). I can go on and on but this is what I do on a daily basis and I wake up naturally at 6 every day without feeling tired. But I also learned, we're all different. Some people are night owls and they do better at night time.

Delaney Ratner

I am definitely a morning girly, but had to shift earlier since I work east coast 9-5 in mountain time (7a-3p). I suggest slowly shifting your alarm back in 10-15min increments, respect the alarm (no snoozing!) and have your alarm separate from your phone. The scroll in bed flop is real and makes me a sleepy morning zombie. If you can get some movement and a small snack in too- I'm not super hungry but I have way more energy much earlier if I get a lil snacky +water and like a 10min walk or yoga before work. Good luck on your morning queen journey!