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Do you plan to (or already have) kids?

  • yes 70
  • no 41
  • 2023-02-01
  • 111 votes
{'title': 'Do you plan to (or already have) kids?', 'choices': [{'text': 'yes', 'votes': 70}, {'text': 'no', 'votes': 41}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 2, 1, 0, 58, 4, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 111}


I've been wondering about this question a lot lately & may poll my broader audience on IG as well, but more specifically I'm curious who on here already has or plans to have kids? I wanted to write about children & climate change for my writing post this week. I follow a page on IG called @earthrise.studio & they posted about this topic the other day & it got me thinking. Also, if you guys are long-time YouTube watchers, the Harries twins (Finn & Jack) along with Jack's girlfriend Alice Aedy founded Earthrise to tell climate stories & I highly recommend their content! ANYWAY! Their post highlighted how 1/3 of the population are questioning having children due to the trajectory of the world. 1/3!!!!! That's wild! I've always been in the camp of having children so they can also be caretakers of the planet & learn how to adapt, survive & grown their own food. I want to pass my love of the world on to them. I saw a comment on their post from someone who actually explained my thoughts perfectly & they said "I believe I'm raising a future pioneer & caretaker of the planet. If everyone who cared about the planet/climate change didn't have kids, the future would be doomed for sure." I'm curious any of your thoughts on this if you'd like to chime in below, but if you have no separate input-- No worries! Would love if you answered the poll though! xo



i never thought i wanted to have kids. lately ive been entertaining the idea a bit more, but every time i always come back to no kids because of the climate crisis (+capitalism, cost of living, state violence). your perspective is refreshing, something i never really thought of before. ill definitely think about that side next time im ruminating on the idea.

Hanna Broadhurst

Currently 20 weeks pregnant with my first kiddo! Always wanted kids and have always planned on raising them in a homestead setting. Growing food, foraging, we are carpenters so teach them to build things. I want to teach them as much as possible. We want to home school with a good mix of school stuff and life skills stuff.