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A little photo dump of our absurd V-Day cards, dogs hogging the bowl chair, trip to the vet for Larry’s annual physical (healthy as a clam!), our post-vet ice cream date, & I PICKED UP MY RING! It got a stone reset & then I had to resize it & get it appraised as well. Wahooey! They cleaned it soooooo good & it looks so sparkly I can’t stop staring at it! Pic 9 is mister Finley watching me share this dump photo set hehehe :P Happy freakin weekend! Comment your weekend plans below! I think I’m gonna try to get back into climbing at the gym (hopefully once a week but let’s start small) & I want to see friends cuz it’s been a minute! Ok see you later!




Omg Fin's card for you lol. I'm having a cutie girls night Saturday night and then I'm working on Sunday!

Meghan Hughes

it's deranged lmfao when i was talking about it on twitch he was like "i think you're hyping up my drawing skills too much" hahahaha but i love it so much

Katie Ely

This weekend I got drinks with some friends, played pool, went to quidditch practice, and this morning my roommates and I watched the sunrise at the Bonneville Salt Flats! :)