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Hi smoochies! I just wanted to continue on with this week’s gratitude theme & share some pics for a lil week recap :’) I successfully surprised Finley with coordinating for our friends Huntington & Kory to fly in from Austin for Thanksgiving! They got in late Wednesday night & leave late tonight & we have just been having a BLAST! During the day on Wednesday before they arrived, Fin & I did design calls for our wedding for literally 4 HOURS 🤯 It was a lot, but will be worth it in the end for refining all our minor details! On Thursday morning, I did the “Turkey Burn” at my local gym & it was extremely chaotic honestly 😂 It was just very poorly planned/timed, but I’m still sore so at least it was a good workout! We had a small Friendsgiving later that afternoon/night & it was perfect! On Friday, my friend Madi & I went to see my old pal Drumaq in concert! It had been over 2 years since I last saw Drew & we had such a great night drinkin’ claws & dancin’ our pants off! Saturday, I joined the boys again for a lil hike through Wildwood recreation site near us. It was BEAUTIFUL like a fairytale! Today, we are taking it easy at home playing board games & decompressing after the week. Sundays are the best days! We’re gonna go into PDX tonight to explore before dropping them at the airport & I can’t wait! It’s been such a wonderful time having our friends in town. I am always reminded of all the fantastic people in our life around this time of year 🥰 Happy Holidays brothers! Hope it was a great week for y’all too!



Terriana G.

All of your outfits are so freaking cute! And would it be a post if we didn’t see Finley’s buns? 🤣 lol love you and grateful for you queen ❤️

Jess Wood

You two are so cute