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Hey buddies! Last week, I asked for your feedback of what you'd like to see more or less of on here & a patron named Molly gave me a charming little idea! They suggested that I theme a whole week of content around the same thing, SO! With (American) Thanksgiving coming up on Thursday, I decided to theme this week around gratitude. I've been trying to journal more lately after taking a significant amount of time away from it & I recently (on 11/11) made a list of 11 things I'm grateful for. I'm going to put that list below & I encourage you all to come up with 11 things you're grateful for in your own life as well. You can share it in the comments or you can just keep it for yourself! No pressure cuties <3

1. Finley

2. My job & the people it brings into my life

3. My stinky dogs

4. My fatty hogs

5. My amazing neighbors

6. My garden

7. My friends Madi & Summer

8. My sister Lindsey

9. My wedding planner Katie

10. The ability to cook

11. A healthy, happy body that helps me live & heal

What are you grateful for?


Julia Dank

beautiful words meg 💚 i’m grateful for my breakup & my ex, and all it taught me. for my family and my support system. my higher self that always keeps me going! my home & how i feel safe here. music & how it moves me. my abilities, freedoms, & privileges. and my dear friends :’)

Katie Ely

Love this!! Sorry in advance for the novel I'm about to write... Got a lot to be thankful for this year. I am grateful for, in no particular order: 1- My camp family (codirectors/boss) for being so understanding and supportive when I decided I needed to quit and move away. 2- My dad for helping me move across the country. 3- Harry Styles, for so many reasons. 4- My former therapists for giving me the tools to work through what I've needed to work through this year. 5- The freaking Utah mountains!!! 6- My quidditch team for being so trusting and supportive. Gosh I love them all so much. 7- My breakup for helping me grow as an individual and realize what I deserve in a relationship !!! 8- Having a healthy body that allows me to be as active as I want to be. 9- My friends for loving me unconditionally. 10- My former coworker, who is like a mom to me, for always being there for me. 11- My new job! It's pretty great so far. :)