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Y’all… Your girl is having a self care night tonight & WHEW I just had to document the skin 😂 Truth be told, I do have a zit on my other cheek lol, but we’re not focusing on her tonight! We’re focusing on decompressing after the work week & prepping to be social tomorrow 💚 I love a night to myself to charge up before hanging with people! Fin slept at his friend Adam’s last night so I’ve been ~treating myself~ cleaning & getting some small biz work done since he’s been out! I also spent the entirety of yesterday on the computer doing editing & wedding work so I am proud to say I haven’t opened my laptop all dang day! Feels good baby! I had a lovely bath & just did alllll the skincare 😂 I hope you guys are having a fantastic self care Saturday :’)



Katie Ely
