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Another week another writing post baby! How the hell are you guys? I'm doing pretty dang good if I do say so myself! Got back to climbing last night after taking 2 weeks off while we had visitors in town & LAWD I am sore! I'll be streaming in just a lil bit here tonight on twitch.tv/meghanhughes at 6 PM PST if you want to come hang & sesh with me :-) I've spent pretty much all day today packing up swing orders of the last remaining sustainable swings we made back in 2019 & found in the basement! Figured we should send them to loving homes <3 Thank you if you're a bestie who bought one! Oh ALSO! In fun news, I have decided to re-do our back porch because it's fugly & filled with unnecessary junk! I've been scouring craigslist & FB marketplace today for rugs & furniture, but may just have to make my decor dreams come true with Wayfair or something. LMK if you guys have any outdoor space decor inspo/a pinterst board for fun ideas! I want it to be very blue! I'd love to make the space more homey so we can spend more time out there even though we are close to summer being over & have lived here 3 years... I am a last minute person ok! LOL. Anyways! Life is good & I'll have some new vids on here & on my main channel this week for ya! Happy Monday stinkies!


Madison Kerper

ooo can’t wait to see porch updates

Madison Kerper

i also dmed you a painting i saw on tumblr that made me think of you! my ig is sunflowervol34 i can also tweet it to you if it’s hard to find on IG!