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Hi peeps! For my writing post this week, I wanted to chat about the struggle of making friends in your twenties. I’m curious if you guys would want a whole video on this or maybe a podcast? Comment below what format you’d prefer because I could definitely go into more depth, but I’m just gonna start the conversation here! I really only have 2 close friends in PDX & one just moved away, so I decided to start prioritizing making new connections. I met up with someone yesterday who I’ve been following for a while & have mutual friends with, but we just really didn’t click. It wasn’t like we were both unhappy the whole time, it was fine, but I was just quietly noting things in my head that just really turned me off from being their friend (i.e. excessive gossip, lack of self-awareness, etc.) When I got home, I wasn’t feeling fulfilled like I do after hanging with my friends, I was feeling frustrated & upset. I find that especially right now, it’s been hard to make new friends because of the pandemic, but also because of certain moral beliefs that I just can’t compromise on with friendships. In summary, I think when I was younger, it was pretty easy for me to make surface-level or “party friends” because it wasn’t like we were hanging out one on one all the time, but now that I’m looking for more one on one connection, I just can’t compromise on things I believe in just to hangout with someone for an afternoon & not get deep. I want to have more in common with people & feel comfortable opening up or talking about my life & beliefs. Idk man... I’m trying to manifest more deep connections in friendships. Just wondering if you guys struggle with this too? Let me know! xo



i’m only 20, almost 21, and i know i’m only at the beginning of my twenties, but i’ve definitely struggled with either making friends or keeping them. i either find that i’m too picky with who i’m friends with or i’m too eager to jump into a deep friendship. i’m too picky because i don’t want to waste my time on someone who either doesn’t have the same values as me or doesn’t want to have those deep connections like what you mentioned. i don’t like shallow friendships or shallow conversations. when i do find someone i want to be friends with, i jump in too quickly and want to hang out a lot because i am so excited that i found someone like me. i have a hard time balancing my excitement and giving the other person space. idk i just really would like to have a friend that’s always down to hangout and one that likes the same things as me. it’s hard because i see my mother who has had the same three best friends since before i was born. they always hangout and always are there for each other and i just want something like that for myself. quarantine isn’t much help either. i really appreciate your post and definitely vibe with it. you’re always a stellar gal, meghan!

Mariyah (Fairwindsemptyroads)

I’m 25 and moved to Seattle about 4 years ago. I’ve made about 2 friends and it’s just impossible as an adult to make them. Like am I supposed to go up to someone and be like hey you look cool, wanna hang? Like weird lol. Making friends is definitely a different thing as an adult and especially a transplant! I’m originally from a small town in GA so Seattle is like a shock in itself, then to not have many friends makes it harder. Thankfully I have an amazing boyfriend who keeps me positive!