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In this episode, I discussed the unrealistic beauty standards women are held to in our society. I chatted about my personal experiences growing up as a woman & feeling like I needed to shave, change the color of my hair, be tanner, taller, skinnier, etc. I shared a bunch of listener's input on the unrealistic beauty standards they're held to as well, circling back to the fact that we are ALL beautiful no matter who tells us we need to change (even if it's our friends & family). I hope everyone listening knows that. ENJOY!

Tracklist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7wpva42sjEsbpzUfJokM6K?si=n1LAWugoR4ys3N3222_LgA



Aura Joy

Litterally pushing my cuticles back while you started talking about that hahah! Also, this podcast was SO good! I wasn’t able to throw in my own experience on insta but I’ll share here if you’ll have me✨ I’ve always felt like I was on the taller side of girls around me. I would litterally slouch, bend my knee/sit into my hip, and just look down bc I was ashamed of my height. So much propaganda that guys don’t like y’all girls blah blah (Also literally something I can not change about me) Then I found ballet where my height was appreciated but the stick thin standards took so much of a toll on me I’m still repairing my relationship with food. Oh shit you just started talking about tumblr WHEW the amount of glorification of eating disorders?! Anyway, thank you so much for having this conversation. I’m really grateful for these outrages topics being discussed💜

Aura Joy

Oh my god. THIGH GAP! forgot about that one

Meghan Hughes

thank u for sharing aura! ballet/sports where it’s encouraged to be smaller like gymnastics & cheerleading can be so toxic for young minds. i definitely felt that pressure as well. tumblr is honestly something i could make an ENTIRE episode on hahahah such a toxic site