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I’m curious what you guys would really love to see from me on here aside from what I’m already planning on sharing? I’d love to start uploading music sessions either alone or with Finley if that’s something you’d all be interested in? Comment below other content suggestions :-)


Madeleine Spivey

I echo everything they’ve said above! I would also love to see more of your writing, even if it’s more blog-like/essay/journal entries—I just want to know what’s up in your head! I was also thinking about (and I don’t know how this would really work) setting up maybe even a writer’s workshop sort of thing? In the same vein of the book club, we would read/suggest edits/generally share the love of each other’s art and writing? I don’t know man, I’m just pumped for more content from you!


I mean, if I’m totally honest, some nudes :). Don’t kill me in these comments, but i listened you your podcast on the topic so I’m being honest, I’d pay to see more of you, Meghan :)