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I once met a ghastly goddess

With dirt in her teeth

Overgrown nails

And bug stung cheeks

She was not so much scary

She more-so looked complete

For her gape-toothed smile

Shone bright although it reeked

We sat down for tea

At the edge of her street

That overlooked a gorge

Bursting with life at the seams

She fed me frog fritters

And mixed green goo into our tea

As we gazed in amusement

At the world at our feet

She braided moss into my hair

Rubbed mud on my cheeks

Clipped back my bangs with a bat's big fanged teeth

She stuck bones in my pierced ears

Gritted rocks onto my feet

Then grabbed the green goo and painted my nails

Which was a treat

She asked for all my clothes

Then fed them to her boar

And rubbed down my whole body

With mud once more

She said "Just one more touch my pretty!"

And clapped her hands 1, 2, 3

Then all the animals of the forest came running to get a look & see

Some came with ferns

As a kindly offering

That they tucked behind my ears

As they began to sing

The sang, "Welcome! You are home! You look more now like me! Come with us now, friend & live a life that's worth living!"

The end.



You know this is good when you can picture every detail in your mind. Magnificent !

Athina Gorre

This style of writing inspires me to write some more!