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hello dear patrons! ( ̄ω ̄)

now that I've figured out the logistics of sending out mail rewards, I have time to focus on more fun and creative projects. (b ᵔ▽ᵔ)b I thought it would be cool to customize the patreon envelopes with some art so I took to my sketchbook to brainstorm and come up with designs. I went through quite a few ideas before settling on a handful that felt good.  

above: I played around with a variety of concepts and shapes. it was interesting thinking about what imagery and symbols I felt best represented my general artistic vision and intention at this time. I went with themes of music, magic, and movement. ultimately, I realized that the shape and dimensions of the envelope/sticker would determine what design read best at a smaller size and progressed accordingly. since I typically make larger sized paintings, I had fun making something at a small scale and figuring out which details to include to make a legible image and what else to exclude. 

I really like how the final envelope design (img. 3) turned out and have placed an order! they're currently in production and I'm so excited to see them in person. I'll use them to send out February postcards and stickers next month. ^^ thank you so much for your support on patreon, it allows me to invest in projects like this and create new designs for y'all that can hopefully be a part of your lives! stickers will be printed later down the line once I make sure the new envelopes work well and are up to my personal code of quality. (^ω~) 

thanks so much for reading and have a good day!

✦ vicki



Tim McGreger

Custom envelopes 🥹 I absolutely love your thinking, Vicki (although, now I will want to keep the envelopes too 😅)…very excited!


hehe I saw other creators make them and thought it'd be fun to draw my own design, too! :D loll I'm the same way, I keep cute packaging for scrapbooking/journaling :3c

Chole Rogers

One of my favorite things was how you did a design for the backside of the cards.


!! I had a lot of fun designing the back of old postcards, def wanna try it again in the future :D