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Hi everyone! 

Hope ya'll are having a lovely weekend so far <3 I'm very excited to announce that I will be doing another monthly challenge in May! Mermay to be specific! That's one mermaid a day all throughout May. I've even started practicing my mermaids in preparation (see above drawing) and I am eager with the uncertainty of how this will turn out. Drawing mermaids is a lot of fun and I can't wait to start!

I attempted a monthly challenge in February (moon girls), but only ended up finishing it halfway. Part of me wishes I could've seen it through, but the other part realizes that I was running low  on creative energy in that department. I think the main downfall was a lack of clarity. I had a theme, but I didn't nail down how I wanted to approach it and so ended up trying to do too much at once. 

Following the past two monthly challenges, I'll be doing Mermay traditionally.  I think I'm gonna go with copics and ink (like I did with Inktober), because mermaids are always wearing and donning beautiful colors~ Since it's a daily challenge, I won't be posting sneak peeks to Patreon, but I WILL be sharing behind the scenes and process photos with you all! :D

I'm nervous. I'm very nervous. But I'm going to work hard and fill your lives with mermaids this May! ^^ I hope you look forward to it!

Thank you all so much for your support, I'll see you soon with another May-related post. ;D Have a great day!





Valerie Brown

I can't wait to see what you do!! 💕 I think I'll give Mermay a shot myself, had no idea it was a thing!

Tim McGreger

You can do it...you can do it!!! I have faith in you, Vicki! Thirty-one Vicki Tsai original mermaids in Mermay...I'm looking forward to this!


aaa Thank you Tim, I'll do my best to see it through to the end! >:o Hopefully I'll have a full collection to share once the month is over! ^^


Thank you so much Valerie, that means a lot! :D<3 Yes, definitely try it out and see what sort of fun things you can come up with. ^^