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Hello! (❀´ ˘ `❀)

Getting into the flow of creating regularly has made me interested in exploring all sorts of different art styles. I learn a lot, almost too much, when I try a bunch of new things that the real challenge becomes finding a way to be selective about what I take with me moving forward. It's impossible to integrate everything into one's workflow, I think our styles are shaped by what we choose to both include and omit.

I'm learning that playing around with style is meant to be a temporary place I return to, not somewhere I hang around for too long. When I stay in that space of experimentation, I tend to feel too flighty, as if my voice is confused. Making art in this state ends up producing drawings that are choked up and lacking direction. Style experimentation works best for me as a learning tool; get some new information, find a way to integrate it into my workflow, practice that element until it feels natural, and repeat. Sometimes, I'll find that a style element doesn't mesh well with my process and learning what doesn't work is valuable, too.

In many ways, creating works well as a larger metaphor for life. It's a continual effort of trying new things, practicing discipline, and finding balance. Whenever I find these sorts of connections, I'm reminded all over again why I'm so drawn to art. There's always something to learn from it, it never ceases to surprise me. ✧˖°.

☆ ★ ✮ ★ ☆

Thanks so much for reading, I hope you have a lovely day! (๑'ᵕ'๑)⸝*

💖 Vicki




what inspired the 5th drawing? the one with the 4 girls?


!! i wanted to make gothic lolita designs of characters from bloodborne. (..◜ᴗ◝..) from left to right it's: the doll, pthumerian queen, vicar amelia, and lady maria.

Valerie Brown

The B/W halftone page is YUMMY YUMMY YUMMY style


heehee thanks val! ( ˊᵕˋ )♡.°⑅ it's crazy how much you can achieve with halftones, it's truly a skill in and of itself!