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Hello! ヾ( ˃ᴗ˂ )◞ • *✰

I was in a sudden mood to paint yesterday and dug up some old Raven sketches to experiment on. I've been doing a lot of lineart sketches lately so it felt good to switch things up and exercise other areas of my skills. 

  • I tend to sketch suuuper messy, because I like getting ideas down fast. Same reason why I like painting, I feel like I can be messy and chaotic in a way that feels more forgiving. Whenever I start with lines only, I have to be so much more intentional with what I lay down. I get all up in my own head when it's just me and lines. @.@

I used some oil paint brushes that I tend to avoid and actually really love all the texture they added! I have a habit of getting caught up in details and over-rendering every part of a drawing. It's something I'm trying to move out of, because I think art has more appeal when parts of detail and softness are balanced. Knowing where to direct focus and lead the eye is something I want to keep practicing, because it's one of those art fundamentals that have so much impact on the overall feel of a piece. 

I'll be posting the process video for these two this week, so please look forward to that~ (๑•▽•๑)

Hope you have a lovely rest of your day! 🌻





i love the second one so much :) specifically the flowing hair


this is so beautifulllll, your eyes are always so expressive and i love the texture in this 😍


aa thank you so much cata! (*ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ꕤ*.゚ flowy hair is the best, it's so emotive all on its own~


thank you so much arina! (ㅅ´ ˘ `) oh i'm so happy to hear that, eyes are one of my favorite things to draw and paint~