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I recently realized I had a LOT of finished/close to finished art just sitting around that I had forgotten about. Now that I have patreon again, I figured this is the perfect place to share those pieces! There's a random assortment of stuff here since a lot of these are months old and I've found myself in and out of interests since. It's fun to see what I was really into last year, looking through these drawings is like going through a mini time capsule. There are two versions of the Lady Maria drawing (images 5 & 6) because I can't decide which composition looks better LOL even months later. xD Thoughts? 🤔

A piece feeling "done" seems highly elusive, because I don't think it actually exists. Art isn't ever really "done", just different versions of itself. To take it a step further, I don't even think "done" is the point of art, because it's ultimately part of a larger conversation with life, which is something that is constantly evolving.

I tend to feel very precious with my art (I think this is common among creatives), but I've become more cognizant of how it feeds into perfectionist habits that are a result of never feeling "enough" and other shame-centered beliefs. I hold onto a lot of what I make or put off making things because I think it could always be better, but I think that's also tied to fear of making mistakes. The truth of life is that mistakes are inevitable and are always going to happen no matter how well we try to plan and control outcomes. Waiting for a version of ourselves that is mistake-free and perfect means we'll be waiting forever. xD Especially since I don't expect perfect from anyone else so why hold myself to such exacting measures? /opens my palm filled with shame and lets it fly away in a passing breeze, again and again/

That being said, I'm grateful to have this space on patreon to more comfortably share all my works in progress. (ㅅ´ ˘ `) Thank you so much for being here, I already feel so much more excited and free to share all things behind the scenes, in progress, and unfinished since relaunching. I'm reacquainting myself with participating in art communities and I'm glad to be doing it with you bunch of lovely and welcoming folk. <3

I hope you have a good day/afternoon/night,

Vicki (๑'ᵕ'๑)⸝*




i remember the space girl 💙💙 it's so crazy seeing how your art style has developed since then. the coloring, the proportions, the choice in details. i love both versions but it's really stellar to see the new one


the conversion of her dress to look like a glowing nebula is freaking rad


God I LOVE all of these but especially the nebula haired woman and both Marias! I am going *feral*


GAAAAH thank you krees! (о´∀`о)💖 *goes feral with u* which of the marias do you prefer? i can’t decide which composition looks better. 🤔