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Hello everyone!

I'm very excited to share some art I've recently completed. I'm starting to explore the Overwatch heroes outside of their immediate lore and came up with the idea of D.Va as a boxer. I've drawn her hanging out in a gym that the famous fighter Zarya has trained and taught in. This isn't too far from the actual realm since Zarya definitely works hard to keep her body strong. I could definitely see D.Va looking up to Zarya's strength and wanting to train so that she could one day prove a formidable opponent. She's incredibly light on her feet so I think what she lacks in strength would be made up in agility and speed. :D

In my previous post I mentioned that I've been in a rut creatively (doing series drawings took a bit of a toll on me haha) and have felt stuck with my art. I pushed the boundaries of my comfort zone considerably in this piece and am glad I took the chance even if I was afraid of failing. Backgrounds, textures, and lighting are far from my forte, but it was nice to try something new! I think that challenging yourself to try new subjects allows you to learn quickly and consistently. As trite as it sounds, you truly don't know what you don't know. Exploring new techniques and ideas allows you to recognize the empty areas in your understanding and fill them in with possibly meaningful experiences. 

Don't be afraid to try new things! Every time you do, you learn something new. It's never a loss, so have fun with it. :D 

Thank you all for your support and I hope you have a wonderful day! <3





Aviva Artzy

ahhh! I love her, my girl <3<3


I think you gotta get a "fight like a girl" tattoo or something!! 😁😁 i looove art that expands on character personality and backstory so this is right up my alley!!


omggg that would legit be awesome. *_* one day i'll get over my fear of needles and get a tattoo! >:O yo yo same same i live for character exploration outside the immediate backstory i liiIIIIIIVE and am glad I can help fan the flames of your interests <3