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Hello everyone! 

Seems like it was just yesterday that we were welcoming in February and now it's already March! 2017 is blinking past at unprecedented speeds, let's do our best to enjoy each day. ^^

Today I'm sharing some new art with you all! For this month's headphone piece, I've gone out of my comfort zone ($10 patrons, you'll be seeing a print of this piece in your mailbox this month! ;D). I really wanted to try pushing myself in a new direction and exploring new concepts/styles. Whenever I feel my art stagnating is when I KNOW I have to try changing things up. No use in drawing the same thing over and over again if it doesn't make you feel happy!

 This month I designed an original pair of headphones. They may be impractical, but I think they look cool haha. ;D I've always been interested in intricate technological design, but never tried coming up with something myself. For this particular pair I drew inspiration from technology found in 80s anime. I like the look of clunky and crowded technology and emphasized that through the headphone size and clutter with different wires and knobs. As for the character, all I knew was I wanted her eyes to stand out and for her style to be simple but unique. To do so, I kept everything but the area around her face pared down and tucked away. I think it helps to draw attention to and frame her lovely eyes! 

I'm glad I was able to get this image from my mind onto paper. I've found that the more I practice, the better I am at translating ideas in my head into physical manifestations. The ultimate secret at improving your art? Practice. In my experience, the most improvement I've seen in a short amount of time has just been result of practicing art everyday. This doesn't have to be mean drawing every day. It can be observing nature, looking through art/design/film/cook books, doodling, whatever piques your interest creatively? explore it. At the end of the day I think meaningful observation of your surroundings has a large effect on how and what you create! 

I hope you enjoy this piece and thank you all for your support on Patreon! I'm grateful for the opportunities your support provides and I'll keep working hard to make art that you can enjoy! <3 Wishing you all a wonderful Wednesday~






gorgeous colours in the skin here! really diggin' this hairstyle, too :) thanks for the words of inspiration, too, I've been feeling quite drained lately and am struggling to maintain positivity about my work. have a great week! ^^


TUNAAA thank you so much! :D and of course! <3 we all fall into ruts sometimes and it doesn't mean we're suddenly bad at what we do. maybe we can make opportunities from slower times and try new things to expand our views. hopefully you'll come back even stronger with lots of fresh and fun ideas! <33

Tim McGreger

I just love reading all of your posts, musings, etc. Oh, and then there is the exquisite artwork that is the focus of the post. You know how much I enjoy your art, process, etc. Just keep doing you, Vicki! This is really great!


Tim thank you so much your words mean a lot to me! :D I'll keep doing my best to work hard and improve! >:D