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Hello everyone!

I hope you all had a lovely new year! 2016 posed some real challenges to us all no doubt, but I know we can make this new year full of wonderful experiences. 

Some quick updates:

-I'm opening my tictail store  back up tomorrow and adding new merch! Stickers of the Overwatch ladies will be available both individually and as a complete set at a discounted price. Just letting y'all know in case you were interested! ^^ 

-I've decided on a theme for this year's Patreon postcard rewards for $10 patrons. 2016's postcards were a bit random, so it'll be fun to stick to a theme and create a series. I'm really excited to make it happen and share it with you all!

Now for the news I mentioned in the title: I'm making a calendar! It will be a 2018 calendar (I know that seems WAY off like 2017 JUST started) and will feature some fun ladies. As you can see above I've already started creating characters for each month and have also finished rough thumbnails for each piece. I'm really looking forward to creating a comprehensive set of illustrations and printing it at the end! I think it'll be a great learning experience and I get to share updates with you all along the way! :D

I wanna take a minute to express my gratitude toward you all. Thank you so much for your support during 2016. I know money isn't everything, but the monetary support you kindly offer really helps out. Knowing that people look forward to seeing what I create only makes me want to work harder and do more. I feel happiest when I'm making things and having you along for the ride makes it infinitely better. Thank you for letting me share my work with you all and encouraging me to express myself. I feel so lucky and so blessed to be here and I want to share the love with you all. 

2017 is gonna be great, let's make it happen! <3


