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Hi everyone! 

I have a little surprise for you today: your first reward! I've attached this week's sketches from my sketchbook and some digital drawings that you can download as a .zip and enjoy for your viewing pleasure! If you have any trouble viewing the images, please let me know and we'll work through it or figure out another/better way for you to receive sketchbook rewards. :D

2016 is a special year, because this January is the first time I've ever kept a regular sketchbook. Sure, there have been journals here and there that I would pop open every now and again when I was feeling inspired. But since the beginning of this year I have drawn in this sketchbook every day. And I think what really helped me was buying a cheap sketchbook that I'm not afraid of making mistakes in. It helps me a lot mentally and lets me overcome the fear of ruining expensive paper with bad sketches. And oh, there are many, many bad sketches. 

Since these are weekly compilations, you will receive 3 more of these throughout February! I think doing this weekly is great because it gives me an incentive to practice a lot, which allows me to improve faster and you get to see more from me! I'm aware that the pages aren't terribly creative yet, but I will get better as I practice more so thank you for your support!

I know I end practically every sentence with an exclamation, but I'm just so excited! Hope you enjoy these pages, I can't wait to share more with you! ^O^/



Caitlyn Call

This is amazing! Thanks for posting this. I always love to see your sketches - they are always so tasteful and individual pieces are blended together in such a cool way.


Caitlyn, thank you so much! ;v;<3 I'm glad you enjoy it, I hope you'll enjoy this week's sketchbook as well! <3

Seal Pup

woooah! im lovin the outfits and form studies. also nice screens from 2001 space odyssey