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You all voted and Sailor Moon won! Now for some backstory since I've been getting into the habit. This piece...lemme tell ya, it was not easy comin' along.  Usagi's color scheme is basically primary colors and while red, yellow, and blue look great together, shading and making them feel cohesive was an entirely different story. 

Coloring tip: Colors are relative! This is a technique I've only recently learned. I have yet to put it to good use, but it's a fantastic strategy to know and when done correctly can make completely clashing colors look well put together. Cool stuff!

Hope you enjoyed this preview! This piece will be going up on all my social medias tomorrow afternoon, but you are all the first to see it! This is so fun, we're like a secret club. We should have jackets.

Patrons pledging $5 or more will receive their weekly sketchbook pages tonight! I'll see if I can put it into a pdf, but if not I'll probably use DropBox! No, you do not have to be a DropBox user to view DropBox folders, but it's a great storage service, so if you need anything like that try it out! :D

Thank you all for your support thus far, I am extremely humbled by your generosity! Once we get into the swing of things I will get everything figured out and better set after this first month of rewards. So thank you for your patience!

Much love,





It looks wonderful Vicki! You're putting so much spirit and effort into these posts as well, which is super appreciated! Though, I hope you don't feel /too/ pressured to do so, wouldn't want you to burn out :-)


Sarah, thank you for your concern and kindness! ;A;<3 I'm feeling good, feeling positive and motivated to work hard! >:3c

Seal Pup

beautiful colors!!