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Hello loves and happy new year! (*≧▽≦)ノシ))

I hope you had a good time over the holidays! I really took the time to relax to the fullest and at the same time reflect on how I wanted to change in the new year. I’ve been thinking a lot about what I create and whether or not I enjoy it. I really had to be honest with myself and seriously look at the answers to these questions. It’s something that I struggled with quite a bit in 2018 due to the mindset I had toward creating. I believed that everything I made had to be polished and perfect, which held me back from trying new things and potentially failing. It was like my heart knew what to do, but my mind couldn’t follow-through. I had clung onto the idea of perfectionism so tightly that I grew stagnant. I find the irony funny, how you can want to do right so badly that you actually start to regress. 

And so I thought about what I feared most, failure, and I set on creating goals for myself to tackle it in ways that felt manageable. Back in 2016, before I graduated college, I had set the goal to draw something every single day. Even if it was bad, even if I didn’t feel like it, I would remind myself to draw every day. And the interesting thing is that once I sat down and started drawing, things flowed easily from there. At times I’d be so into it that I’d sit there and churn out several drawings. Btw, I want to make it clear that I’m not prioritizing quantity over quality. It’s just that I’d have so much resistance to drawing (and the fear of drawing something I didn’t like) that I just wouldn’t draw at all. As a result, improvement came very slowly if at all and each time I thought about drawing I’d approach it with fear. The fun, the thing that had gotten me into drawing to begin with, had disappeared. 

So I figured why not reintroduce daily drawing into my life? What’s the worst that could happen? What’s the best thing that could happen? Late-December of 2018 I started drawing every day again and I found it’s opened up my creativity and productivity in new ways. When you allow yourself the opportunity to fail wonderful things can happen! So not every sketch I make and share on here will be a masterpiece, but I don’t think that’s what’s important anyway. As long as we’re trying each day that’s what it comes down to. I’m excited to embrace failure in 2019, because failure? Is the way forward.

Note: All these sketches were done using Procreate on the iPad! I'm so happy to have grown closer and more comfortable drawing on the ipad, it's seriously my new best friend. <3

Above: Trying out a new chibi style on kitty D.Va! Having lots of fun embracing more anime elements that I loved as a kid. ^^

It's like yearly tradition from me to draw witch Mercy haha

ok get this, D.Va- BUT! she has pink hair!!!

Idea for an Orisa reindeer skin??

Landscape paintings, each 5 minutes. Still trying to find my stride with drawing landscapes, I think it just comes down to practice!

Had this idea for elemental kitties? Here are storm and fire kitty! I really like making them super floofy. 

A reeeeally fat/fluffy cat!

Thank you for the request Alexus! <3

Sketches of random ladies~

Korra and Asami! 

Thank you for the request Cynthia! <3

Have any of you seen The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel? I'm absolutely obsessed with it and the clothing, ugh, the DRESSES that these characters wear from the 1950s are so beautiful I wish I had her entire wardrobe! I shall live out my dreams through drawings instead. xD

Fantasia-inspired drawings~

Playing around with painting and different brushes in procreate~

Some random outfits I designed~


Some Bubbline to revive my tired soul at the end of a long day of travelling. 

Princess Peach my one true main in Smash Bros! 

 Trying out a minimal line style~

I hope you enjoyed this sketchdump! ^_^ Thank you so much for your support! >w< If you'd like to request something for me to draw just leave your suggestion in the comments and I'll give it ago during the week and post what I came up with in the following sketchdump. I can't guarantee that I'll draw every single one though I do encourage you to leave a request! 







wow I'm being blessed with all this amazing art!! I love love love all the wonderful colours here, but especially love the layering (?) and shading on the dva!

Stash (-3-)

ohhhhhh these are all stunning i love them!!! witch mercy is always so great to see and ahhhh those kitties!! you draw the cutest cats i love the elemental take! and orisa reindeer is such a good concept too!!! all these gals are so stunning i love eyes you've done this time and ohh the bubbline is sososo good oh my gosh i love it so much!! and the last cutie ahhh i love her so much?!!!