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Hello friends! 

How are you doing? ovo I hope you've been alright! <3 I've recently taken on a rather fun and exciting, albeit large, project that has usurped the majority of my time. I'm wrapping everything up this Friday though and look forward to sharing it with you come December! *w* It is very festive and cute (I've drawn many snowflakes these past few days that I can't share just yet!) and I hope you look forward to it. ^^ So it's no excuse, but between that and traveling over the Thanksgiving holiday I haven't had much energy for personal sketching. =u=;; I'll get back into the swing of things soon enough though~ Now let's get onto the sketchdump! 

Above: A cozy Pharah and Mercy! ^^ Thank you for the request Lyria! :D

My favorite members from LOONA: Jinsoul, Chuu, and Yves! :3c Thank you for the request Cat! <3

Playing around with Crayola color pencils! They're actually pretty good quality, I'm pleasantly surprised! o.o Really strong color payoff with a nice range of colors~

Drawing people passing through a Starbucks! :O

City Girl~ <333

The result of not drawing for a few days. Several crossed out sketches. Do you ever feel like you don't draw for a few days and it's like you've forgotten how to draw? It's the funniest thing. 

Currently having a moment with 60s fashion. It's literally so cute I'm lowkey shook people used to dress like this every day? Such flattering cuts, shapes, and colors~ 

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I hope you enjoyed this sketchdump! ^_^ Thank you so much for your support! >w< If you'd like to request something for me to draw just leave your suggestion in the comments and I'll give it ago during the week and post what I came up with in the following sketchdump. I can't guarantee that I'll draw every single one though I do encourage you to leave a request! 







and all of a sudden I want to draw 😭😭 i love your work, always and always

Melquea Smith

I'm literally in love with City Girl. My love of Chillhop and cooled vibes got me onto your work. For the Neon Impasse image, do you sell prints of it?