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Hello friends! 

How've you been? I hope you had a good start to your week! <3 Life has been very busy, but I'm getting better at balancing my time and not working myself into overwhelm. Really, take a break if you need it. Not only is it necessary, but if you find yourself stuck or at a standstill with your work a break can be the perfect refresher that can get you back into the swing of things! I've also been thinking/brainstorming a lot about the direction I want to take our community in 2019. There's so much more that I want to share with you on here, more behind the scenes and more vulnerability. I'm really excited to change things up and try something new! Until then...sketchbook time! :D 

Above: Spent a very frustrated afternoon wrestling with acrylic and gouache paints. I get why they call it painting now. OTL Nonetheless, the subject matter kept me in check. It's hard to stay mad when you're painting soft sleepy ladies. ;u;

The new Shera! I'm so excited to binge-watch this show haha I saw the preview on Netflix and it looks SO fun. Plus I love that they chose to give her shorts under her skirt, it's such a cute look and perfect for moving around in! :D

Thank you Cat for your request! :3<3

My old OCs, the Summer Girls in some v cute fashions! :D Their names are (starting from green hair and moving in a clockwise fashion) Mia, Lulu, Kenzie, and Avery. OG patrons might remember them. xD When I was a senior in college I tried making a webcomic with these four only to realize that making a webcomic is a lot harder than I thought it was and that I felt entirely ill-equipped to do their stories justice with my then art style/understanding of the world. Maybe I'll attempt it again in the future. 

Thank you Kyle for your request! ;u;<3

Been really into drawing deer lately...I feel a connection to them??

chubby chinchilla! :3c

A random assortment of sketchbook drawings! 

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I've started a new AMA series on Patreon! Have questions about art? How to choose colors? How to stop procrastinating? How to draw thumbnails? Ask away here!  

I hope you enjoyed this sketchdump! ^_^ Thank you so much for your support! >w< If you'd like to request something for me to draw just leave your suggestion in the comments and I'll give it a go during the week and post what I came up with in the following sketchdump. I can't guarantee that I'll draw every single one though I do encourage you to leave a request! 







the soft ladies are super pretty and you made the layout so cute too


dropping a request !!! could you draw loona? maybe your fave member?