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Hello friends! ヾ(○・ω・)ノ☆

And just like that we've made it through another month! How have you been? I hope you're doing okay. <3

As always the rewards are attached as a zip file at the bottom of this post. :3 Just download the file, unzip it, and voila you're good to go! ^^  

October was a super busy month for me! I find that with every monthly challenge I attempt I end up reevaluating my work in some way or another. Last month was no different and I even decided to stop my Inktober early and learned to prioritize other things. I strongly think that taking care of your mental and physical well-being play a big part in nurturing your creativity. Working to the point of burnout and forgetting why you even enjoy creating in the first place is a tough space to create from. It was an honest moment of taking my own advice and recognizing when to move on in order to better care for myself. If you're feeling worn out from your work lately maybe consider taking a break when possible. If even for a couple minutes, taking a step back may be just the thing that helps. <3 

Thank you so much for your support in October! I'm seriously floored by the community on here and I'm so happy that we can just come together several times a month to share art and talk about our interests of the moment. It's really special to me and I hope you feel welcome in this space. <3 And if not, here's an official welcome hug from me to you! >u< 








Agreed! Sometimes you really need to take a bit of time to just think about what you need and how to do it. It could be 20 minutes, it could be an entire day! I'm glad you took the time you needed ❤️