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 Hello friends! ^0^<33

Welcome to a new month! We're steadily approaching my favorite holidays and I'm practically buzzing with excitement every time I hear about Thanksgiving or Christmas. *u* Anyways, I know it's still some time away so I won't blabber on about it too much but just know i'm ready. 

In response to last week's post several of you shared that you have been going through a rough time as well and that the sketchdumps help you (if even just a bit!)<3. It makes me really happy to know that what I share here can be a positive part of your day. And I'm sure you already know this, but if you needed to hear/read this: you are not your sadness and there is nothing wrong with you for feeling sad (or any negative emotion for that matter). It just means you're human and as a human it's not your job to feel nothing but extreme elation all the time. <333

Several of you were also interested in the j-fashion pinterest board I referenced so here it is! sooo many good outfits *u* Ok, enough from me, let's get onto the sketches! ^^

Above: Ahri from the new LoL music video! It's soo good the art direction is amazing I recommend checking it out. Thank you for the request Gabby! :3 (Also is it any surprise that Ahri is my fav out of the four she looks so much like D.Va.....)

I'm sure you all know about Ashe, the new Overwatch hero by now. But just in case you didn't...here she is! I can't wait to play as her, her playstyle looks incredibly fun. *0* Also more female heroes? Yeah, I'm totally down. 

D.Va!!! :D<33 I wanna try out more dynamic poses with her.

Junko from Dangan Ronpa! This request was a super throwback, I used to draw Junko all the time in college. It's really fun revisiting her in my current style! :D

Thank you for the request Joann! ^^<3

Suddenly got an urge to draw Zarya. I've tried playing her more lately and it's so tricky. @_@ 

Getting in some pose practice! :3

Trying to focus more on making my sketches look balanced by working with limited colors. Also, Azula from AtLA! 

Thank you for the request Stephanie! owo<3 

Something spooky and a little bit wicked~

Environment practice! Trying to get better at using greens, drawing branches, and just making a composition flow well overall. Looooots to learn haha. >:3

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I hope you enjoyed this sketchdump! ^_^ Thank you so much for your support! >w< If you'd like to request something for me to draw just leave your suggestion in the comments and I'll give it a go during the week and post what I came up with in the following sketchdump. I can't guarantee that I'll draw every single one though I do encourage you to leave a request! 







i love dva with her mech!! i’d really like to see you draw dmon, from the shooting star short bc i feel like there isn’t a lot of fan art for her!


ahh that zarya art is so cute!! I'd love to see merrill from dragon age in your style if you ever get a chance.