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Hello love! (o^∀^o)

Hope your day is going well so far~ And so another month has passed! How was your May? Did you learn or try anything new? I discovered that I love taking morning walks along the beach and that it brings me peace and inner calm when I'm feeling overwhelmed or lost. uvu

The zip file attached at the bottom of this post includes May's wallpaper, process photos, and sketchbook compilation. Just download, unzip the file, and enjoy! ^^ A patron suggested I offer phone backgrounds so I tried out some for the iphone to start with. Let me know if it works and what other phone models you'd like to see! <3

May was an incredibly busy month both in my work and personal life, which I consider to be interdependent in ways so I'm not surprised they affected one another. ^^;; Mermay kept me on a schedule that I wasn't fully sure I could keep, but with the community's support I kept going and am so proud that we finished the month strong! :D I learned a lot about consistency, habit, and discipline and look forward to challenging myself in new ways throughout the rest of this year! ^^ 

Thank you so much for your support! I'm immensely proud of what we have created through this Patreon community and also feel humbled to have you here. I love you lots and hope you have a great day! (°∀°)b




Lisa Draeger

Hi Vicki! I'm new here (I've been lurking on your ig for a while) and I'm so excited to peek through your work! I have a coffee pot brewing and some free time - I can't wait to browse through all of this, and am looking forward to what's to come :)

Nai Mei Yao

Hi, Vicki, I'm new here and I just LOVE your drawings. I'm actually learning so much from you and it's really reinvigorated my own interest in drawing. A question I have for you: your uncolored sketches look so good, while my first drafts always look like chicken scratch. Is what you show us all cleaned up work or is that how you just draw? If you clean up before your sketches are shown, could we see what uncleaned up work looks like? Curious to see the whole process. Thanks!


Hi Nai and welcome! ^^<3 Thank you so much for your support, I'm so happy I can help you out along your own art journey. :D What I show you is posted straight from what I scan in. My rule of thumb when it comes to sketching is to make light strokes until I'm certain about the line I want to draw. I've also developed more precision with practice. I find that drawing in pen is helpful because there's no opportunity for me to erase, making me more conscious about where and how I draw lines. Whereas when I use pencil I have more tendency to be messy/draw harsh lines knowing that I can possibly erase them. I also think it's a byproduct of the style I draw in, which is purposely stylized to use less lines. I hope this helps! Let me know if you have other questions! <3


Hi Lisa and welcome! ~ヾ(^∇^)<3 Thank you so much for your support, I hope you're prepared for the library of drawings I've prepared for you. xD Hope you have a wonderful day! <33