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Hi loves! 

Hope you had a good Monday! ^o^/ Quick message before we proceed: this week's sketchdump will not include or collect requests. Requests will resume in next week's sketchdump! Thank you, that is all! Now back to our scheduled programming~ Recently I've felt like my style has started to feel stale/stray from what I want to draw. I've been playing around with different mediums to encourage myself to sketch more freely and bridge the gap between where I am versus where I want to be. I feel like it helped me a lot and I'm excited to keep playing around to see where it takes me. >:) 

Above: I just really love Widowmaker and Sombra together? Thought I'd try a new take on some casual fashions for them. I'm really into Sombra as an adult who never truly grew out of her teenage goth fashion phase haha. It's strangely fitting imo?? 

I'm also really into Moira lately, it's almost like a switch flipped in my brain and I can't seem to get her out of my mind. I love thinking of clothes for her to wear because her style is so different from the rest of the Overwatch ladies. If there's anyone who does androgyny well it's her. 

Finally got around to making stickers of the new characters! :'D This is design I came up with for Moira. I think it's fitting for her to be in very powerful and domineering poses. 

And another sticker for Brigitte of course! :D Whew, lemme just say...her armor is....a LOT. I really dig her design though, I love how sturdy and grounded her character feels. You can really sense the weight of her movements through the look of her armor! 

So I recently got an iPad because I wanted the option of working on art while I'm on the go. :D Its been a great experience so far, though I definitely still have a great deal to learn when it comes to the Procreate app. I've kinda found brushes I like but not really? I'm slowly getting used to the interface (definitely a bit of a learning curve!), but I'm already really impressed by what it offers and I want to keep working with it and record speedpaints for you soon! >:O <33

The following sketches are all done in Procreate on the iPad~

Hatsune Miku! Man, I used to draw her all the time in middle/high school. Her design became a source of comfort and familiarity for me and I would often draw her when I couldn't figure out what to make. I really wanted to play with movement and colors in this sketch and just have fun sketching/not overthink~ :D

A couple of travelers! :D Where could they be going? I may have just really wanted to draw camping gear ngl, but now I feel like developing a story out of these two characters! 

Something soft and romantic that I drew when I was in my feels one late night! There's still more that I want to add to this sketch, but I thought I'd share what I have so far! ^^

Of course there's a D.Va drawing this week, of course! :'D I really want to draw her in more modern Korean fashion. I have a hunch that she'll look amazing~ *-*

Broke out a ballpoint pen and some color pencils yesterday for some quick sketching! I wanted to draw more loosely since my digital work has started to feel stiff and I think it's just what I needed! :D In some way I feel less afraid to make mistakes when it comes to traditional sketching so I end up making more courageous decisions when drawing. It's good to shake out the cobwebs every now and then~ 

Hope you like these sketches! ^^ As I mentioned at the beginning, requests will resume next week! <3 I'm wishing you a lovely week filled with plenty of wonderful moments and lots of love! ❤⃛ヾ(๑❛ ▿ ◠๑ )




Stash (-3-)

ahhh i'm so late but these are all phenomenal!!!! i love love loveeee when you whip out these sombra widow masterpieces they're also so well done and so fashionable!!! i love the big sleeves on sombra too i can see her smackin someone with it!! spiderbytes like my biggest love and you always deliver T3T and then moira ahhhh you always make her so cute!! i think her and mercy are tied as my fav go to healers so it's always a pleasure to see you giver her love, and businesses moira esp can just kill my heart already T3T !! those stickers ahhhh can't wait to nab them they're looking so good!!! i love the cat on Brigittes shield too it's so darn cute!! and that miku!!! you always do her justice but i love her hair especially in this one the colors are so amazing it's like and ocean and early night sky at the same time!! i'm excited to see some camping gals and bonus note you always draw such nice shorts they look so cute and comfy! and the next gasl aH! i love the headphones it kinda gives me like first love hidden surprise vibe it's very cute and kinda heartwarming! and oh my gosh every time you just draw the darn cutest dvas i loveeeee this style on her and those lil bunny ears too ahh!! and i love how you sneak in her lil bunny logo it's like a fun cute lil ispy! and i gotta agree with lisa a dva fashion vine sounds super amazing!! ahh your traditional work is always a pleasure to see and i just love the lines on the hair it's like they're glowing!!


I love all of your overwatch talon beauties. Beautiful art as always!